
A Well-Loved Little Girl

Lydia kept bringing admirers to our house this week. Many have heard about and now have seen her cute little self and blossoming personality. Today she turns 2 weeks old. Some milestones this week...she is back up to her birth weight and had a healthy check-up. Her belly button is healing nicely for all who are concerned. She ventured out to Mommy's covenant group Bible study and had a great time with the gals.

We took her on her first stroller ride. She wasn't too pleased with the initial departure (see picture on the right), but eventually settled down once we got things moving. Her mom particularly enjoyed the time getting out of the house to stretch her legs!

She also enjoyed some time with other Stock family members including her Grandma and Grandpa and her Uncle David. Grandma stayed this whole past week to help Mommy cook, clean and take care of Lydia. She even gave Lydia extra-special treatments such as warmed wipes for diaper changes and lots of extra holding!

We are feeling very blessed to have this little girl in our lives. She is showing us how to care for her (mostly by crying when we need to do something differently). We are showing her (we hope and pray) what it is to be in a family centered around not her (although it may seem like that at times) but Jesus Christ. This is the way we can show our little Lydia that she is certainly well-loved.

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