
Shepherding A Child's Heart (Part 3)

Here is the third installment of Dr. Ted Tripp's "Shepherding a Child's Heart" Parenting Conference Video. In this video, Dr. Tripp teaches us a proper understanding of authority. "Authority" is not a popular word in our culture. In fact, since the Fall, we all have a nature spurring any type of authority whether it is from God or other people. We long to be "autonomous", a law unto ourselves, believing the lie from Satan that we could be gods. This path only leads to pride and/or despair and it ends in enslavement and loneliness. The Gospel lays out the different path. Only when we submit ourselves to Christ and trust in His person and work, then we can live free the way we were created (See John 8:31-34). We find ourselves here loved, cared for, and free living before God and others in community. Enjoy...

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