

A really good friend of mine just gave birth to her 5th child. I got the email with all the stats. Great name, healthy weight; everybody is doing well. 

I cried in the kitchen. 

Brian knew exactly why and came in to give me a hug. It's not like I didn't know she was going to have this baby. And yes, I knew I would be in a different country. I would not be there. I knew this. But, it's hard to explain. Life happens. Here. There. Babies are born, friends' dads get sick, pastors leave, and houses are sold. 

I rejoice for this new little baby boy. I am happy to be here. Sad to be not there. A paradoxical moment that allows my coffee to get cold while I weep over two worlds. 

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I Feel Like Someone is Sitting on My Head. And They Might Be.

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