
Travel Bingo

We recently received this awesome care package. If you have ever wondered what's in an awesome care package, here are a few gems of awesomeness: books on cd, books not on cd, one of those reusable sticker princess scene things that end up with reusable stickers stuck to my foot (but I really do love them), matching t-shirts for my girls, wooden magnetic bagel tongs...yes, and travel bingo cards. 

Travel bingo cards. They give you things to spot as you drive. "Dump truck! Stop light!" Thought we'd give 'em a go on our way to church. 

Things I didn't account for in our travel bingo expedition: 
1) Living in a congested city of 10 billion. 
2) The immediately obvious cultural differences.
3) Incredibly observant kids.

Overlooking these three things meant the bingo game didn't last much past a few city blocks and most of our car-time was travel-cultural-diversity conversation. From the backseat we heard a happy chorus of "Car! Motorcycle! Another Motorcycle! Cow! Baby Cow! Street Dog! Bingo! Another Bingo! No, I got a bingo too!" and then "What's this sign with the deer on it?" "Do we have stop signs here?" "Oh! There's a church on mine! I'll wait till we get to our church and then I'll have a bingo!"
We had to make some amendments to our cards. I'm wondering if I can publish this for all those children just itching to get 5 in a row. 

Here's my cultural/city adaptation:
Car = car with at least 7 people in it.
Cow = cow...easy one!
Horse = horse-drawn cart
Traffic Cone = tree branch sticking out of a pot hole (it's a warning people!...or maybe a branch just is in a hole?)
Tree = tree with no trash around it
Dump Truck = dump truck full of people
Deer Crossing Sign = actual herd of goats crossing road (although I did see a jaguar crossing sign once)
Stop sign = jay walker
Bus = bus that has working brake lights
Dog (peering happily out a car window) = street dog sleeping
Fire Hydrant = fire...also, fairly easy one
Motorcycle = motorcycle with family of 5 or 3 men (bonus points for carrying something odd like a car hood or 10 foot sugar cane)
and my favorite...albeit another easy one
Port-a-potty = guy peeing in public


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