
Picture of the Week: Festivals

This picture doesn't really capture the way this country lights up (literally) for a festival. It doesn't capture the noise of the too-big-to-be-legal-in-America fireworks that go ALL DAY. It doesn't show the idols being paraded around, the pictures of gurus adorned and the cars plastered with ribbons, sacred dye and flowers.

But here is one part of festival season: the exchange of sweets. We recently had the largest annual festival, which is smack dab in the middle of weeks of other festivals. It was like Christmas...well, without the Savior and redemption part. Anyways, all our Hindu neighbors brought us sweets. And when I say sweets, I mean the South Asian variety of SWEET! Imagine sweetened condensed milk, but more sweetened and more condensed. Then add some syrupy coating and sprinkle on a few glazed nuts. There you have the most sickeningly sweet thing you've ever tasted.

We got 6 boxes like this.

I graciously shared with my national friends. We at the Stock Household split one piece. 

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